Q: Can I bring my pet ?

Yes, Small pets are very welcome

Q: Can i keep my own doctor?

A: Our surgery is Parishes Bridge Medical Practice. You are welcome to keep your own doctor, provided they are local and willing to maintain your relationship.

Q: Do I have to order my own medication?

A: No, We will take on that responsibility

Q: Can I have visitors during the current pandemic?

A: Yes, but there are restrictions, which are constantly changing. We will update you and your relatives

Whilst restrictions have now been relaxed, Masks must be worn during inside visits, and we ask that close contact be restricted to hand holding, rather than 'hugging ' or kissing Masks may be removed if using our external spaces, but social distancing should be maintained.

Internal visits are taking place in the hallway , not the communal lounge. Visits can be arranged in bedrooms in exceptional circumstances.

Q: Can I take my relative/friend out of the home for a trip or walk

A: Yes. Please ask for the current advice.