Sheerwater House is run by a director, a manager and a full complement of highly trained, friendly staff chosen for their experience and dedication.

We care for the elderly and those living with dementia in a homely, warm environment. There are no restrictions on visiting hours*.other than avoiding meal times, unless joining us for a meal,or doctors ward rounds Residents can choose when to get up and go to bed, and where they spend their day. Where possible residents are encouraged to leave the Home, whether for organised trips, or just top go to the local shops, or out for a coffee*. We receive visits from local schools, church dignitaries, the brownies, and other voluntary groups. Fees are inclusive of all care costs, food and laundry. The hairdresser and chiropodist visit and are charged at cost. Residents are welcome to use the telephone and internet video calling available. Regular updated on events within the home are sent to relatives and are published on our private Facebook page, which relatives to join. Our staff are trained to administer medication, and most medical conditions can be catered for.

Our Manager and Assistant -